I'm so tired
but I would not give up
still have many things to do
you can fight me
I can fight you back
I dont want always be the loser
I can fight you down !
Just finished
management and accounting assignment
coming soon is moral mid-term
EB assignment
Accounting assignment 2
Managment assignment 2
Moral oral report
and so so so
I can learn a lot
but I hate to do all these things
I need someone help to clear these
This week was a tired week
just back from cousin's birthday party
doesn't sleep enough for whole week
tomorrow still want wake up to play badminton
actually the time is fully book
but I need learn to face it
that's part a college student need to learn
sometimes can't control myself
but I need to
Long time to stay with book
when can it be stop?
My eyes it damn hurt
because of these type of life
My stomach can't function nicely
almost everyday will stomachache
My health seems like so bad now
I want to sport
but no time for me to enjoy it
I really need you...